Oasis and Choices Domestic Abuse Services come together as one organisation

  • April 6, 2021
Oasis and Choices Domestic Abuse Services have come together as one organisation, creating an even stronger service across East Kent, Medway and North Kent.

The sister organisations are now one, Oasis, having worked closely together over the last year to strengthen and enhance provision across Dover, Thanet, Medway, Dartford, Gravesham and Maidstone.

By combining expertise, skills, resources and services, our integration means Oasis is able to reach even more adult and child victims of domestic abuse and create a greater positive impact for our communities across Kent and Medway.

At the front and centre of our work is a client-first, recovery-focused approach. We enable positive safe futures, with interventions for every step of the journey from crisis to trauma-recovery and lives lived free from abuse.

A group of people hugging

In a world where things feel uncertain, the coming together of Choices with Oasis brings stability for a stronger future, and sustainability for our proficient, exemplary services across Kent and Medway. Oasis takes almost 30 years of learning and expertise to develop new and innovative approaches, working closely as an expert partner with second-tier organisations, such as Safe Lives.

Together, we are committed to our joint mission – to create a world free from abusive relationships. We do this through compassion, collaboration, commitment and connection. Join us on our journey – help share our safety information, consider supporting our work, become a volunteer of Oasis.

Oasis is proud to be an organisation that supports women, men and children in all relationship forms on an equal basis using our many years of experience. Choices has been our sister organisation as part of the Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Consortium for many years, and our coming together will bring the strength of both into a single operation. Our services are both Leading Lights and WAFE accredited as best practice and we have nationally recognised models of support, such as the solution-focussed Outreach model, produced with our service users, and now the national training standard for Outreach staff through the Safe Lives IDVA training programme. 

We will continue to innovate and develop services to ensure that our learning approach and expertise continue to serve those in need across all areas in Kent & Medway in which we operate. Organisations such as ours, that are locally focussed and based, bring great value to the communities in which we work. We are a by and for organisation who have a mission to see an end to this destructive issue in our communities. 

Because of our size, scope and approach, coming together with organisations with similar values and ethics will hopefully bring us greater security to continue this vital work into the future. I am personally very proud to have overseen this project and of the incredible staff and volunteers across our organisation who have delivered such committed and compassionate services during these difficult times. Our staff take those that need us through a journey of safety to recovery and I am awed each day by their dedication to their work. To anyone out there living with violence and abuse we would like you to know that there are services across Kent and Medway ready to help you, you are not alone.

Deb, CEO Oasis
A female suppport worker in blue blouse talking with a woman in red scarf and yellow top on a sofa

*All images used on this website are representative. All names are anonymised for people’s safety.

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